My journey

From single mom to CEO my journey to achieving my dreams didn’t come without the chaos that life throws at us all. From my parents divorce to a failed marriage of my own, even finding myself being a single mom of two. Life for us all can seem like it is nothing except unseen trials, but I could never take my eyes off the fact that my dream was still out there and people needed what I had to share. So I couldn’t give up.

My favorite part of my journey is most people see where you are and assume you were born into it but this is where I want to encourage you because that was not me. The best thing about a dream, no matter how big or how small, it is yours. Most dreams don’t make sense because a dream is meant to grow you and not just be easy or obtainable in that moment. It is put into your heart because even though you may not see it, you were created for that very thing.

If you are like me, I had no idea where to start in accomplishing my dream, so one night I asked God to put the people into my life that could take me to the next level. It was so amazing that over the next month, people would sit in my chair and our conversation would gravitate to business.  They would say, ‘ well if you are wanting to start a salon then this is what you would need to do first to get started.” And I would. Then I’d have another person who would do the same to help me progress to the next phase of being prepared. I had wished there was a business guide that could direct me and help me know what steps I needed to take to move forward but I was happy for the help I was getting. There were many trials I had to overcome but through a series of struggles it all came together and I was able to open my dream of my very own salon.

After I had owned my salon for about 6 years and my daughter was 5 days old, I was told we had to move locations because they had sold our building and I had 7 weeks to move. It was nothing but a miracle but we made the move in time. After 6 months in our new location I was ready for the next level. I didn’t really know what that was but I knew I wasn’t living to my full potential. I once again asked God to put people into my life who would take me to the next level. The very next morning I was at the salon. My first client was my cousin who is an amazing business woman. She walked in, not knowing my come to Jesus meeting I had with God the night before, and before she even sat down she looked at me and said, “you know what you need to do. You need to write down how you opened both of your locations and all you learned from it. Because there are so many that could benefit from what you have done.”  That next day is when Rising Salons was born.

Over the next two years I would spend time writing on this program and dreaming of how this company could change the lives of so many. Some days I would be inspired and some days I would feel brain dead and would just have to set it down. I knew it was something that was put on my heart for a reason but I didn’t see how it would be published, yet I continued to work on it. So over the next two years God would introduce me to the people who ended up being the key people in advancing Rising Salons. Every day is a new day! Today could be the day your whole life chances. So stay the course and expect today to be the day your dreams come true. Remember the first step to achieving your dream is to write it down because a dream that’s not written down is just an idea.

Two major things I have learned is, nothing in life happens in our timing but always at the right time. Also it doesn’t matter who your family is or what kind of life you come from, anything is possible if you are open and willing to learn, plus you can never quit.  

Tiphni Brown, Owner